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Access Bar Session

At best, it can transform your entire life

1 h 30 min
120 US dollars
West Holcombe Boulevard

Service Description

Introducing calming and rejuvenating practice you might not be familiar with: Access Bars®. Have you ever experienced yourself overreacting to minor occurrences? Or perhaps you struggle to quiet your mind, regardless of your efforts? Do you often feel stressed, fatigued, anxious, or uneasy? Access Consciousness Bars is an excellent choice for those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation on a deeper energetic level. The process allows you to tap into your own inner resources, release energetic blockages, and create more space for clarity, peace, and transformation. It can be particularly beneficial for individuals who are looking for alternative modalities that go beyond the traditional massage experience. There is 32 energy points that located on your head, each relate to a different aspect of your consciousness. When releasing these blockages we allow the issues of the body and mind to return to their natural state of calm. Common blockages that Access Bars Therapy helps to release surrounding issues such as: Money/ Health/ Creativity/ Manifesting/ Peace & Calm/ Aging beliefs/ Sadness & joy/ Hopes & dreams and others. Once the above energy centers are unblocked your life may change. You will be able to receive more. About 20 years ago Dr. Dain Heer who is now one of the main leaders of Access Consciousness had got to a point where life was misery, suffering and no hope. It seemed like there was no viable way to change his life for the better. From this unhappy space, Dain decided that the only option for him was suicide. He made a demand of the universe: Either this changes, or I’m killing myself. Then he discovered Access Bars. From his very first Access Bars session, Dr. Dain Heer realized that all was not lost. The simple body process, called ‘The Bars’, literally saved his life. I invite you to explore the transformative world of Access Consciousness Bars and discover a new way to relax, rejuvenate, and expand your consciousness. Get ready to experience the profound benefits of this gentle yet powerful modality that honors your individuality and invites you to step into greater possibilities for your life.

Contact Details

  • Healing Stones Massage, West Holcombe Boulevard, Houston, TX, USA


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