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The Power of Access Consciousness Bars

Updated: Oct 3, 2023

The best way to find out about Access Bars is to try it!

Today Access Bars is practiced in over 170 countries world-wide, used as a potent and pragmatic tool by families, schools, businesses, athletes, psychologists, artists and many more.

Access Consciousness Bars is an excellent choice for those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation on a deeper energetic level. The process allows you to tap into your own inner resources, release energetic blockages, and create more space for clarity, peace, and transformation. It can be particularly beneficial for individuals who are looking for alternative modalities that go beyond the traditional massage experience.

During an Access Bars session, I gently touch energy points to release the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs that may have limited you in the concerned life areas. People report better health, ease of sleep, weight loss, better sex and relationships, relief from anxiety, depression, less stress and so much more.

There is 32 energy points that you can see on the chart located on your head, each relate to a different aspect of your consciousness. When releasing these blockages we allow the issues of the body and mind to return to their natural state of calm.

Common blockages that Access Bars Therapy helps to release surrounding issues such as: Money/ Health/ Creativity/ Manifesting/ Peace & Calm/ Aging beliefs/ Sadness & joy/ Hopes & dreams and others.

Once the above energy centers are unblocked your life may change. You will be able to receive more.

I won't cover all 32 points here, but I'll provide an example by describing the "Aging Toaster." The Aging Toaster is designed to take care of all the considerations you have about what it means to get old, to die and to have your body fall apart and all that kind of stuff. It is designed to hold all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, attitudes and emotions that you have formed during your current lifetime and if you believe in reincarnation then any previous lifetimes about what it means.

If you have concerns about modesty, Access Consciousness Bars offer a fully clothed experience, eliminating any potential discomfort or self-consciousness. You can simply relax and unwind while I work on activating the energy points on your head, facilitating the release of limiting thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that may be holding you back from experiencing greater ease and joy in your life.

I understand that everyone has unique needs and preferences when it comes to their well-being. While traditional massage therapy is a wonderful practice for relaxation and releasing tension, it may not be suitable for everyone. That's where Access Consciousness Bars offers an alternative.

Access Consciousness Bars provide a profound experience of relaxation and rejuvenation without the need for undressing or physical touch beyond gentle contact on specific points of the head. It is a non-invasive and hands-on energy process that allows you to receive the benefits of deep relaxation and energetic release while honoring your personal boundaries and comfort levels.

If you're someone who has been hesitant to receive a regular massage due to reasons such as modesty, health conditions, extreme sensitivity, or simply seeking an alternative approach to relaxation and rejuvenation, then Access Consciousness Bars might be the perfect solution for you.

Or blend two incredible services seamlessly and maximize your experience! Indulge yourself with the ultimate relaxation journey: first, revel in a rejuvenating massage, and then elevate your bliss with a transformative "Bars" session immediately after. By combining these two powerful tools, you'll achieve a profound state of tranquility and inner balance like never before. Treat yourself to this exceptional back-to-back booking and savor the ultimate wellness fusion.

For those with specific health conditions or extreme sensitivity, Access Consciousness Bars can be a gentle and safe option. The technique does not require any pressure or manipulation of the body, making it suitable for individuals with physical limitations or sensitivity to touch. The subtle yet powerful energy work can support your overall well-being and promote a sense of balance and harmony within your system.

About 20 years ago Dr. Dain Heer who is now one of the main leaders of Access Consciousness had got to a point where life was misery, suffering and no hope. It seemed like there was no viable way to change his life for the better. From this unhappy space, Dain decided that the only option for him was suicide.

He made a demand of the universe:

Either this changes, or I’m killing myself.

Then he discovered Access Bars.

From his very first Access Bars session, Dr. Dain Heer realized that all was not lost. The simple body process, called ‘The Bars’, literally saved his life.

I invite you to explore the transformative world of Access Consciousness Bars and discover a new way to relax, rejuvenate, and expand your consciousness. Get ready to experience the profound benefits of this gentle yet powerful modality that honors your individuality and invites you to step into greater possibilities for your life.

Aging toaster exist also in the Access Energetic Face Lift session,

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