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Energetic Facelift

Updated: Oct 3, 2023

Access Energetic Facelift transforms the signs of aging giving the entire body a physical and energetic LIFT!

Book a Face Lift session and experience transformative process that revitalizes both the physical and energetic aspects of your body!

Have you ever considered how long you'd like to live? For me, I envision thriving for 333 years! Of course, the actual number isn't paramount; it's our belief systems that truly matter.

Do you associate a large number with a compromised immune system and a list of ailments and diseases?

What age are you choosing

to embody?

The Access Energetic Facelift© offers a remarkable means to invigorate not only your facial appearance but also your entire being. Through gentle, nurturing touch on your head, face and neck, a harmonious rapport with your body's cells is established, leading to rejuvenation and revitalization. While undergoing an Access Facelift, various energies are employed, unveiling numerous potentials for release and transformation.

Take a moment to reflect: are you judging your body or face? Each time you gaze into the mirror and pass judgment, those cells remember, embedding the judgment within. The Facelift process erases this cellular memory of judgment, and creates renewal upon both body and spirit. Once you liberate yourself from these judgments projected onto your face and body, your body gains the freedom to regenerate itself.

Customers have reported changes in the following:

  • The light and luminosity of the face

  • Elasticity of the skin

  • Clarity of the eyes

  • Glow in the hair

  • Lifting of breasts and buttocks

  • Improved energy

  • Increased relaxation

The gentle soothing touch applied to your head, face and neck. I'll provide an example by describing one of the areas where gentle touch is applied called "Aging Toaster."

The Aging Toaster is designed to take care of all the considerations you have about what it means to get old, to die and to have your body fall apart and all that kind of stuff. It is designed to hold all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, attitudes and emotions that you have formed during your current lifetime and if you believe in reincarnation than any previous lifetimes about what it means.

Aging toaster exist also in the Access Bars session,

About 20 years ago Dr. Dain Heer who is now one of the main leaders of Access Consciousness had got to a point where life was misery, suffering and no hope. It seemed like there was no viable way to change his life for the better. From this unhappy space, Dain decided that the only option for him was suicide.

He made a demand of the universe:

Either this changes, or I’m killing myself.

Then he discovered Access Bars.

From his very first Access Bars session, Dr. Dain Heer realized that all was not lost. The simple body process, called ‘The Bars’, literally . saved his life.

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