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KA stands for Kundalini Activation and is a direct energy transmission that the main goal is to initiate the kundalini awakening in the body. It is a gentle way to awaken the kundalini energy.

Translated from Sanskrit, "kundal" means “coiled snake.” In the tantric yoga tradition, Kundalini represents the energy believed to be inherent within each person since birth, coiled at the base of the spine. This energy is considered the quintessential life force, the wellspring of our creative power, spiritual gifts.

According to tantric yoga, when this dormant Kundalini energy awakens, it ascends through the seven chakras, or energy centers, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. This process harmonizes the energetic body and grants access to expanded consciousness.

A Kundalini awakening is said to provoke a profound energetic transformation of your entire being—mind, body, and spirit—altering your approach to life significantly. It's an intense journey toward enhanced self-awareness. Traditionally, such an awakening can bring about enduring changes, including:

  • Heightened feelings of bliss

  • Enhanced psychic abilities

  • Increased compassion and empathy

  • Heightened creativity

  • Deepened spiritual connection

  • Sense of alignment and flow

There is both a passive approach, which simply is surrendering and letting the energy awaken when it's ready(if ever thought the entire life span) and an active approach, where common methods such as Kundalini yoga, pranayama (breathwork), and meditation are ways to actively awaken your kundalini. And another option to experience this, is of course through a KA session.

KA session is a transformational journey with the main goal in mind to facilitate Kundalini Awakening that is all about removing limitations, releasing stagnant energy and feelings, as well as finding a profound connection with our highest self, spiritual growth, and a deeper consciousness which is hard to explain and must be experienced.

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